Wood fiber is a peat substitute and supplementary material that is increasingly used in gardening. We use high-quality Estonian pine and spruce wood as raw material. During wood processing, the product is heated to over 100°C, which makes it safe for plants, while also being airy and suitable for the root system.

We sell wood fiber mainly mixed with peat, but also as a separate product, natural white or colored.

We can offer it in bulk on the local market, up to 180m3 per truckload.

We also offer big bales and small packages:

Package/productVolume (l)Average weight (kg)Qty per 40HC container
Big bale, natural or colored wood fiber11500103522
Big bale, 10-30% of fiber added to peat60001000-114022
Small bale. natural or colored wood fiber225-30020-27462-504
Small bale, 10-30% of fiber added to peat225-30042-50462-504

Wood fiber, natural

Wood fiber, natural

Wood fiber, colored

Wood fiber, colored
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